Privacy Notice: Lettings色花堂 (色花堂 Residential Services)

Access information about how Lettings色花堂 (色花堂 Residential Services) will process your personal data which we collect from you as a user or potential user of our services, a visitor to our website or a guarantor for a property let through us.

Click the category below which applies to you for more information about how Lettings色花堂 look after your personal data in providing our services, whether this is collected electronically through this website or in another format.

Students: Privacy Notice for Students using Lettings色花堂 services (pdf 200kb).

Landlords/Property Owners: Privacy Notice for Landlords/Property Owners using Lettings色花堂 Services (pdf 275kb).

Guarantors: Privacy Notice for Guarantors of Lettings色花堂 properties (pdf 195kb).