Our Ageing & Dementia Research Centre (ADRC) at É«»¨Ìà (É«»¨ÌÃ) brings together cross-faculty research expertise in areas of ageing and dementia. At a time when our population is living longer and often with long-term conditions including dementia, the centre’s research significantly impacts on theory, education and professional practice.

The aim of the ADRC is to use the team’s collective expertise to develop person-centred research which will improve the lives of older adults, their families and professionals working to support them. Our research falls under two themes (i) Dementia and Neurological Conditions and (ii) Healthy Ageing. Each topic builds on a wealth of research knowledge and projects already taking place at É«»¨ÌÃ.

The ADRC is led by Ìý²¹²Ô»å , supported by staff and students from the Faculty of Health & Social Sciences and the Faculty of Science & Technology.

To find out more about recent ADRC activity, skip to:

Our research themes

Our research falls within two broad themes - dementia and neurological conditions, and healthy ageing. Expand the menu below to find out more about our research within these areas. 

Research theme one: Dementia and neurological conditions

Research theme two: Healthy ageing

ADRC community hub

A cartoon image of people forming a speech bubble

We aim to make a difference to society through our research.

We regularly collaborate with those with lived experience, our local community, and professionals working in industry and across health and social care. 

Research Participation Group

ADRC events

ADRC Resources

Cartoon people sat around a laptop reading

Our research often leads us to create resources that may be of interest to researchers, professionals, students, and members of the public.

Here we share those resources with you - click the dropdown menu below to access content and materials produced by the ADRC team. 

Blogs from the ADRC

Latest news from the ADRC